The Weevil is Nuts
The Weevil is a Nut Weevil… I finally got round to looking the ID up, previously I just called it “elephant weevil” after it’s trunk. It has an interesting life-cycle and yes the nose is a trunk! An interesting video of its lifecycle can be found on National Geographic – the acorn weevil is of the same type of weevil ( The one I shot could well be a Hazel nut weevil- as the wood has lots of these trees). This little weevil is always attractive, especially when found on bluebells, which I often see it on at Garston Wood. Finding one again in a visit in April that was co-operated and posed not just for me, but also my brother – see his shots on his website, allowed me to get up close with the MPE-65mm and use a variety of cards in the background.
Here’s the best of the co-operative little weevil.
All Taken on Canon 650D with Canon MPE-65mm Macro Lens. ISO 200 F11 1/200. Flash from Canon MT-24ex Twin Macro Flash. Diffuser – Dove Deodorant Tops.

Now – why the Weevil is Nuts title ?
Well, when holding the card for my brother, I shot this other one moving about – note its head inside the body…

Map of Location
RSPB Nature Reserve.