22 Spot Ladybird by Gordon Zammit
Here is another great set of macro photographs by Gordon Zammit – this time a yellow 22 spotted ladybird. Gordon found this little bettle in his garden, and then took it indoors to a studio setup to take these detailed macro images. The details in the eyes is excellent as you can see. Of them all the last is my favourite of Gordon’s shots, with a funky pose.

22 Spot Ladybird by Gordon Zammit (1)

22 Spot Ladybird by Gordon Zammit (2)

22 Spot Ladybird by Gordon Zammit (3)

22 Spot Ladybird by Gordon Zammit (4)

22 Spot Ladybird by Gordon Zammit (5)
For more of Gordon’s photographic works see his National Geographic site and Flickr Account.
All images remain the copyright of Gordon Zammit.