Bank Holiday Blashford Insects
This selection of Insects & Bugs, was taken on the final May bank holiday weekend. It also proved to be a mix of flash setups, not by choice mind. This is because on the Saturday the MT-24ex Twin Flash developed a fault in the A flashgun – meaning that it was firing on only one lamp. So that’s off for repair. This mean the Canon 270ex flash setup was called into use, with a slight modification – the vellum was replaced with some packing foam sheeting.
Anyhow before the flash gun developed a fault – it did cause ( or was it the MPE lens ) this Speckled Bush Cricket nymph to bow down before it!

I’m Not Worthy
This small green spider was the last subject that the twin flash worked properly on.

Green spider in Web

Green spider in Web
This ant and the fly were taken on a single lamp on the flash gun, moved to a direct overhead position, as I did not have the backup flash with me on the day. I think it has certainly given an interesting lighting effect on the fly.

Red Ant

The first test shot of this hoverfly eyes in the car park gate, on the 270ex flash setup was encouraging to say the least.

Hover Eyes
Not much further down the path was this pretty micro moth – Common Tubic (Alabonia geoffrella).

Common Tubic Moth
This next one, I feel looks like the Green Nettle Weevil is in outer space – well that’s my imganination running riot maybe. 🙂

Space Weevil
When I first saw this tiny colourful bug, it looked mostly black to me – however through the lens, the colours stood out. This is one of the great things about macro photography for me, even if you don’t get the shot, sometimes just seeing the small world up close is enough.

Colourful Bug
Map of Location