Does the Canon 760D make Handheld MPE-65mm Insect Natural Light Shots Possible ?
Does the Canon 760D make Handheld MPE-65mm Insect Natural Light Shots Possible ?
With the improved noise / detail handling of the 760D over the 650D, I wondered if pushing the ISO to 6400 to get a high shutter speed would enable this. So on the walk round Blashford on the recent try outs of the camera, I attempted to take this beetle in a flower. I managed to shoot at F6.3 with a shutter speed of 1/1250 sec at this ISO. I felt I needed this speed to get a half chance of getting the bug in focus as it was blowing in the wind. In hindsight – trying on a more stationary subject might be a better test!
After running the image through my normal denoising plugin – Topaz Denoise, though the image of the beetle is not too bad, even with the wind, and the high ISO.

Beetle at ISO 6400 handheld on MPE in Natural Light
It is difficult to see the details on a web image – so this is a crop at 100% – before a web size conversion. Hopefully you can see that – whilst far from perfect – there are still details in the beetles eyes.

Cropped View of ISO6400 shot
I think with a more stable subject – and reasonable lighting conditions this might improve at this ISO. It will be interesting to try this again – hopefully on a lower ISO setting – maybe 800 or 1600, to see what can be done. Additionally I feel that even using a high ISO and wide aperture – stacking may improve this.
So at the moment – the answer is – the jury is still out!