Broadcroft Quarry
In a hunt for Chalkhill Blues I took a visit to Broadcroft Quarry (a butterfly conservation reserve) on the Isle of Portland last weekend. I’d heard there were plenty of them showing there, and was not disappointed. The following are some of the best shots I got from the trip. I was particuarly pleased that I managed to get the target species as I had not knowingly seen them before.

Chalkhill Blue – Lysandra coridon
Chalkhill Blue – Lysandra coridon. Taken on Canon 50D with Canon 100 F2.8 USM Macro Lens F8 IS400 1/200 Natural Light.

Chalkhill Blue – Lysandra coridon
Chalkhill Blue – Lysandra coridon. Taken on Canon 50D with Canon 100 F2.8 USM Macro Lens F8 IS400 1/8000 Natural Light.

Chalkhill Blue – Lysandra coridon.
Chalkhill Blue – Lysandra coridon. Taken on Canon 50D with Canon 100 F2.8 USM Macro Lens F11 IS400 1/200 Natural Light.

Blue Butterfly on yellow flower
Blue Butterfly on yellow flower. Taken on Canon 50D with Canon 100 F2.8 USM Macro Lens F5.6 IS400 1/2000 Natural Light.

Chalkhill Blue – Lysandra coridon.
Chalkhill Blue – Lysandra coridon. Taken on Canon 50D with Canon 100 F2.8 USM Macro Lens F5.6 IS400 1/2000 Natural Light.

Blue Butterfly
Blue Butterfly. Taken on Canon 50D with Canon 100 F2.8 USM Macro Lens F5 IS400 1/1250 Natural Light.

Blue Butterfly on Flower
Blue Butterfly on Flower. Taken on Canon 50D with Canon 100 F2.8 USM Macro Lens F8 IS400 1/160 Fill Flash.
And lastly one that I find amusing as a hoverfly comes in to land on the butterfly’s flower.

Blue Butterfly and Incoming Hoverfly
Blue Butterfly and Incoming Hoverfly. Taken on Canon 50D with Canon 100 F2.8 USM Macro Lens F8 IS400 1/200 with Fill Flash.
Map of Location.
Butterfly Conservation Reserve.