Playing with Flash Colour

With the dearth of bugs at the weekend, I also decided to have a play around with flash colours.  Quite simply I put coloured gels ( or more precisely, old Olympus Flash Coloured Filters) over the flash guns of my MT-24ex.  I put a different colour on each of the flash lights and shot the moss you see naturally lit, in the first picture below, to give different colour effects.  It’s the first time I’ve tried this and think the experiment went quite well, the moss being a good subject I feel to use this alien feel lighting on.


Red and Blue Filters

Moss Red
Moss Red - lit with Red and Blue gels

Blue and Red (I switch lamps) Filters.

Red and Blue Moss
Red and Blue Moss

Blue and Green

Blue and Green
Blue and Green

Green and Blue.  Again just switched lamps.

Green and Blue
Green and Blue

Red and Orange Filters.  Not too keen on this one personally.

Red and Orange
Red and Orange

And lastly Green and Orange.

Green and Orange
Green and Orange


I've been taking macro photography from 2004. I use both Canon film and digital cameras.

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