Fungi at Blashford Lakes

I visited Blashford Lakes (a Hampshire Wildlife Trust wildlife reserve) last weekend to take a look at the wild birds that are starting to winter at the lakes, walking round the lakes I regretted not taking my macro lens with me as there was a great display of fresh Shaggy Ink Cap fungi about along with some others.  I visited again today – taking along my 100mm Macro lens, but stupidly forgot my quick release adapter to attach my camera to the tripod.  So leaving the pod in the car I set off with only my bean bag for support – not ideal in darker conditions, and not so easy to compose the shots.  I had to increase the ISO to 400 ( normally use the lowest of 100 for still macro on a tripod).

In the week gone by the shaggy ink caps had mostly disappeared, and there were no real groups about but I did see some fresh ones singularly and this one I took as it was fairly free of distraction.  ( I boosted the detail and colours in my new Photoshop plugin toy – Topaz Adjust 5 – but only slightly).

Shaggy Ink Cap.Canon EOS 50D (100mm, f/5, 1/60 sec, ISO400)
Shaggy Ink Cap.

Shaggy Ink Cap.  Taken on Canon 50D with Canon 100mm F2.8 USM Macro Lens.  F5 ISO 400 1/60.  Topaz 5 Winter Effect (faded by 60%) applied.

This next example show how the ink caps get there name, as it starts to dissolve into a black gunky – ink like top.

Weeping Shaggy Ink CapCanon EOS 50D (100mm, f/8, 1/30 sec, ISO400)
Weeping Shaggy Ink Cap

Weeping Shaggy Ink Cap.  Taken on Canon 50D with Canon 100mm F2.8 USM Macro Lens.  F8 ISO 400 1/30.

On route to the ink caps I saw a variety of Parosol type mushrooms – not exactly sure what species.  Unfortunately it being dark and not having the pod only this example came out sharp enough.

Parasol type mushroomCanon EOS 50D (100mm, f/3.5, 1/60 sec, ISO400)
Parasol type mushroom

Parasol type mushroom.  Taken on Canon 50D with Canon 100mm F2.8 USM Macro Lens.  F3.5 ISO 400 1/60.

I think this orange fungi also looks nice in the autumn leaves.

Fungi in the leavesCanon EOS 50D (100mm, f/5.6, 1/15 sec, ISO400)
Fungi in the leaves

Fungi in the leaves.  Taken on Canon 50D with Canon 100mm F2.8 USM Macro Lens.  F5.6 ISO 400 1/15.

And this one I’ve cropped to a square frame – the top was just more green moss – and I like this composition better.  Again shooting on a tripod would of helped with composing the shot better in the first instance.

Small fungi in the MossCanon EOS 50D (100mm, f/5, 1/25 sec, ISO400)
Small fungi in the Moss

Small fungi in the Moss.  Taken on Canon 50D with Canon 100mm F2.8 USM Macro Lens.  F5 ISO 400 1/25.  Cropped to square for effect.

And finally a really played about shot – some small fungi in the grass and due.  Again using my new plugin toy – Topaz 5 – this time with a glow in the dark preset.  I kind of like the surreal effect.


Glowing Fungi in the GrassCanon EOS 50D (100mm, f/4.5, 1/50 sec, ISO400)
Glowing Fungi in the Grass


Glowing Fungi in the Grass.  Taken on Canon 50D with Canon 100mm F2.8 USM Macro Lens.  F4.5 ISO 400 1/50.  Topaz 5 Adjust GlowInTheDark effect applied.

Map of Location.

1 of the 2 car parks for the reserve.


I've been taking macro photography from 2004. I use both Canon film and digital cameras.

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