Late August Butterflies
The butterflies in the post, which I’ve just got round to processing, were taken at the end of August at Alners Gorse Butterfly Reserve. The day was fairly warm, but fairly breezy. There were lots of whites about, mainly on the wing, and I got some shots of this Large White whilst it necatared on a purple flower.

Large White(1)
Large White(1) Taken on Canon 650D with Canon 100mm USM Macro Lens. ISO 400 F5.6 1/800. Handheld in Natural Light

Large White(2)
Large White(2). Taken on Canon 650D with Canon 100mm USM Macro Lens. ISO 400 F5.6 1/640. Handheld in Natural Light
A lot of Peacocks and Small Tortoiseshells were attracted to one mass of yellow flowers. Chasing around this large clump, I also spotted a Small Copper, which I managed to get a couple of shots of, as well as a the two forsaid species.

Small Copper(1)
Small Copper(1). Taken on Canon 650D with Canon 100mm USM Macro Lens. ISO 400 F5 1/200. Handheld in Natural Light

Small Copper(2)
Small Copper(2). Taken on Canon 650D with Canon 100mm USM Macro Lens. ISO 400 F6.3 1/160. Handheld in Natural Light

Small Tortoiseshell
Small Tortoiseshell. Taken on Canon 650D with Canon 100mm USM Macro Lens. ISO 400 F4.5 1/500. Handheld in Natural Light

Peacock. Taken on Canon 650D with Canon 100mm USM Macro Lens. ISO 400 F5.6 1/100. Handheld in Natural Light
Map of Location
Butterfly Conservation Reserve.