Easter Monday. Again really cold – about 4-5 degrees centrigrade on the 1st April. Brrr! Out again on a bug hunt, at High Wood near Bradbury Rings. Down went the mat and then a rummage in old logs, bark and leaf litter to find some interesting bugs to shoot.
First I came across this Centipede, lying in a old stump. I took 4 images of it to get it nose to tail and stitched them together in photoshop to make this Panorama of the Pede!
Pano Stitch of CentipedePano Stitch of Centipede. 4 Images Stitched together. Taken on Canon 50D with Canon MPE-65mm Lens. Magnification around 2.5x ISO 200 1/250 F11. Flash from Canon MT-24ex Twin Macro Flash.
Next a rare find – only the second time I have found one of these tiny bugs – a pseudoscorpion. The last a few years ago. It was on some bark and was around 2-3mm in length. Here’s my best shots of it from today, ranging up in magnification on the MPE-65mm from 3 to finally 5 times magnification.
Pseudoscorpion @ 3x MagnificationPseudoscorpion @ 3x Magnification. Taken on Canon 50D with Canon MPE-65mm Lens. Magnification 3x ISO 200 1/250 F11. Flash from Canon MT-24ex Twin Macro Flash.
Pseudoscorpion on the movePseudoscorpion on the move.Taken on Canon 50D with Canon MPE-65mm Lens. Magnification 3.5x ISO 200 1/250 F11. Flash from Canon MT-24ex Twin Macro Flash.
Cutting through the wireCutting through the wire. Psuedoscorpion. Taken on Canon 50D with Canon MPE-65mm Lens. Magnification 4x ISO 200 1/250 F11. Flash from Canon MT-24ex Twin Macro Flash.
Pseudoscorpion @ 5x MagnificationPseudoscorpion @ 5x Magnification. Taken on Canon 50D with Canon MPE-65mm Lens. Magnification 5x ISO 200 1/250 F11. Flash from Canon MT-24ex Twin Macro Flash.
A couple of other notable finds were a smallish fly and what I think is a ground bug (Lygaeidae) – possibly a Megalonotus dilatatus. But that is only my best guess from my Insects of the New Forest Book. Please let me know if you know otherwise to its identification.
Fly on barkFly on bark. Taken on Canon 50D with Canon MPE-65mm Lens. ISO 200 1/250 F11. Flash from Canon MT-24ex Twin Macro Flash.
Ground Bug in leaf litter.Ground Bug in leaf litter. Taken on Canon 50D with Canon MPE-65mm Lens. Magnification 2.5x ISO 200 1/250 F11. Flash from Canon MT-24ex Twin Macro Flash.