Windy WhiteMill Visit
Took an afternoon visit to the Stour Vallery Way near White Mill National Trust ( nr Wimborne) on a cold May afternoon. Their was some light rain in the air and a strong breeze. I had hoped to find some solitary bees, but it appears the weather discouraged them from venturing out. However there were several Large Red Damselflies on the nettles, and I manage to get a reasonable 4 shot panorama of one on my MPE-65mm. I only took this lens out today, in hindsight I should of also taken my 100mm as not only were there damsels out, but a nicely posing Orange Tip butterfly.
Here’s the panorama of the Large Red Damselfly.
Panorama of a Large Red Damselfly
Another Large Red came on my finger for a quick warm up.
Large Red Damselfly on my finger.
These next few shots are of the posing Orange Tip Butterfly that I mentioned earlier. Two different coloured cards are used to colour the background.
Orange Tip with Green Card background.
Orange Tip with Blue Card.
Next up was this rain covered shield bug.
Sheild Bug.
And then amongst the nettles I spotted what I thought was a weevil being eaten by a spider, on closer look it obviously wasn’t!
Mating Weevils.
Finally this photogenic fly was taken on a nettle, I cropped one shot to a square format as I think it suited that format the most.
Fly with water on Eye.
Fly with water on Eye (Cropped to Square Format).
Map of Location.
Car park is here - photos taken from fields along the river, just past the Mill.