Blashford Eyes
Getting close up eye detail shots on the Canon MPE-65mm is always fun, and seeing the details in the insects is a reward in itself.
This set of shots has some taken on my first real outdoor trip with the Canon 760D and Canon MPE-65mm lens combination. I am still having to use just the Canon 270ex setup, as the MT-24ex is still under repair at Canon UK. Even so with this only providing one light direction, the results are very pleasing to me with the 760D.
First the eyes of a large orange fly that I saw there – no identification of this as yet.
Canon EOS 760D (65mm, f/11, 1/200 sec, ISO200)
The next shots are a sequence of Bee headshots, increasing in magnification. I believe the final one was about 3x Magnification. At this point the resting bee had enough of me and flew off.

Bee Eye (1)

Bee Eye (2)

Bee Eye (3)
For another set of photographs taken on the day – see this post.
Map of Location
Ellingham Drove, Ellingham, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 3, UK