Mixed Macro Shots Update
Here’s a quick update of some interesting little beasties found at Blashford Lakes, and a Dragon and Damselfly shot from Otmoor RSPB Reserve.
The Blashford images were taken on the Canon MPE-65mm with flash provided by the 270ex flash.
Firstly some tiny tiny weevils – mating Neydus quadrimaculatus – which are about 3mm in size.

Ride ’em Cowboy!
A mosquito waits to pounce…

The Mosquito Waits…
This next one is three shots – two to give a panorama width, the third to add detail to the head in the form of a stack

Scorpion Fly
Next up the photographs from a visit to Otmoor RSPB Nature reserve, last weekend, with just the Canon 100mm lens – no flash.
This little damselfly, landed on my tee shirt, with it’s lunch. Even staying around when I walked down the path. These shots were taken with it on my brothers hand.

I tell you it’s tasty!

All gone, lick chops.
Whilst later on I found a resting Broad-bodied Chaser, taking the wings

Broad-bodied Chaser
And then a close up with the 100mm.

Happy Days