Stacks and Pans
With recent outings and generally being busy – I am getting behind on the posting of my photos of late. Here is a set of some stacked images – along with a couple of panorama macros. All the subjects were taken on some trips to a local nature reserve – Blashford Lakes.
The panoramas are done in photoshop, and involve shooting a series of 4 or 5 shots, whilst attempting to keep the focal plane on the subject the same. Whereas, the stacks, with one exception, are done in Helicon focus. The stacks involve shooting in line, but moving the focus a little backwards over the subject to provide more depth of field in the resulting composite image.
First the exception of the stacks – this one, I did in photoshop CC.

Myopa – 2 Images Stacked
These next ones are all aligned and stacked in Helicon focus. I have recently found a setting in Helicon that has improved its alignment performance.

Myopa Fly – 2 Images Stacked

Mating Myopa – 2 Images Stacked

Tortosie Beetles – 2 Images Stacked

Damselfly (Common Blue) 3 Images Stacked
And finally 2 panoramas of a small Mayfly, resting on a nettle leaf.

Mayfly Panorama 1

Mayfly Panorama 2