Sunny Easter Monday 2015
Finally the sun came out over the Easter weekend, albeit on the last day. This bought out the first spring flowers out, and with them the insects.
I took out my Canon 650D with Canon MPE-65mm and the MK-X diffuser setup, over high wood near Bradbury rings in search of what was out.
It always takes some getting used to again when approaching the flying subjects, so I was pleased to find this Cranefly, settled under a leaf and not fly off like the first few attempts at getting a fly did.
Firstly at just over 1:1 Magnification.

And it then allowed me to get in closer to it.

Cranefly at about 3x Magnification
Next up were some pollen beetles taken at about 3x magnification. The ones with an yellow background have a yellow card placed behind them.
This first and last of these are slightly cropped.

Beetle on Celandine petal

Beetle on Celandine petal (2)

Beetle on Celandine petal (3)

Beetle on Celandine petal (4)
As well as an abundance of pollen beetles on the flowers, there were also a lot of Beeflies about. I was able to photograph this one on a log @1:1 Magnification. I almost had it in a slightly better position with more of the legs / body in shot and a hopeful stack, when it flew off just before I pressed the shutter button.

Beefly on log
Finally whilst hunting for a beefly nectaring on Primroses, I saw a weevil in amongst there leaves. I took this head shot portrait of it @3x Magnification, which was enough for it to wander off. I guess it was a little camera shy, as they can stay around for a few shots normally.

Weevil Headshot
Map of Location
Small Car park near lane up to woods and rings