A bit of a mix
Finally am up to date with processing my macro images to date – this last selection is from 26th June.
Mostly taken using my Canon MPE-65mm lens.
Starting with a male mosquito.

A damselfly on a yellow leaf appearing to want to tell me something.

Let me tell you something
Should this next one not bee in the grass ?

As theĀ plants sprout up at Blashford – so the little Weevils do too.

March of the Weevil
This picture winged fly with a slightly damaged eye was around the same plant as the weevils.

Looking over the edge
A hopper posed nicely too.

Damselfly shot with no background card and flash – the result darkness in the background.

Damselfly out of the Dark
This one taken on my Canon 100mm macro lens, perhaps has a bit of a cluttered environment – but it does shot the whole of the damselfly – something unusual for me to take of late.

Blue-tailed Damselfly
Finally this hoverfly.

You put your left leg in…