A Look at Topaz Labs Glow 2 Plugin
Topaz Labs have an upgrade out for their Glow Plugin. Aptly named Glow2. Having owned and used Glow before, I took the opportunity to get the free upgrade. Topaz Labs are great like that – once you have bought the plugin, upgrades are free.
I decided having got the upgrade to have a quick play with some recent flower shots, that I took when experimenting with my new Venus Laowa 15mm Wide Angle Macro Lens. In my tryout I just used the supplied presets, and left the blend mode as is, in all but the very last one.
I have posted the original image before the Glow 2 effect was applied.
The first effect – is probably my favourite on going through them for flowers – it is called AutoShine – and the preset I think really adds up to its name.


After Glow2 – using preset Autoshine
The next preset is called So Soft – and as you can see – makes the flower image a bit more dreamy.


After Glow2 preset So Soft
Finally this next one is probably a more acquired taste. I picked the Shining Screen Preset, and then changed the blend mode to Overlay. I also changed the glow type to dark. This giving a really moody effect.


After Glow2 – Shining Screen preset changed to Overlay