Blashford May Macro Mix
These photographs are a mix of the other shots I took during May 2016 at Blashford Lakes Nature Reserve, that I have not posted up yet. I should also add on a positive damselfly note – I spotted 40 plus of them on the last May Saturday Bank holiday around the ski lake – up on the previous 14 I spotted a week before. Hopefully some good sunny days and they will be out in their normal hordes there.
Having mentioned them – here’s 3 from that visit.

Damsel on the Brambles

Common Blue on Nettles

Blue on Grey
The last of them is 4 images focus stacked together in Photoshop CC.
I also photographed this little bug hanging around on some grass.

Just Hanging Around
A female Swollen Thigh beetle on a flower ( only the males have the swollen thighs in case you are wondering about the name ).

Swollen Thigh Beetle on flower
Lastly a lovely green sawfly – Rhogogaster viridis – Yellow card in background.

Rhogogaster viridis Sawfly