Rayflash Ringflash Adaptor Try Out
Having recently purchased the Venus Laowa 15mm Wide Angle Macro Lens, and tried it out at Thursley, I mentioned in my first use of it that some flash would be useful with it in some situations – to freeze moving subjects and provide fill light in others. To this end I saw the Rayflash Ringflash adaptor mentioned in this post on the lens on the Learn Macro website. As this ringflash adapter was reasonably priced at Speedgraphic, I decided to get one to try with the lens ( as a bonus it will also be useful for some other uses too ).
The first tryout in the field with it was today at Dunyeats Heath Nature Reserve. I was hoping to find some dragonflies out there – but poor weather saw to them being almost completely absent from the site. However I did find some spiders to take.
Now I did say I got the Rayflash ringflash adapter to use with the Venus 15mm lens – however I also had my Canon 100mm lens with me as I was eager also to see how the ringflash adapter worked with it. The results were fine with it – not as diffused obviously as some setups I’ve used with this lens ( as I did not diffuse it! ). Here is a spider picture taken with the ringflash adapter ( flash in all below is from a Canon 580ex speedlight attached to the adapter ).

Spider taken with Canon 100mm lens and Rayflash Ringflash Adaptor
What I like about the Venus Wide Angle lens is the way you can get the background in shot. Here are three photographs with this wide angle macro lens at different magnifications from further out to closer up.

Spider taken with Venus Laowa 15mm lens and Rayflash Ringflash Adapter (1)

Spider taken with Venus Laowa 15mm lens and Rayflash Ringflash Adapter (2)

Spider taken with Venus Laowa 15mm lens and Rayflash Ringflash Adapter (3)
I am pleased with the initial results of this flash adapter – and hopefully will find some other subjects other than spiders to try it on in the future.
Here are some phone photographs of the Venus Laowa 15mm 1:1 Macro Lens and the Rayflash Ringflash Adapter to show the setup.

Venus Laowa 15mm Macro Lens on Canon 760D

Rayflash Ringflash adapter on Canon 580ex flash and Venus Laowa 15mm Macro Lens

Map of Location