The Azure & Friends
Mid May and the Damselflies are still not a common site this year. It would appear that the cold weather has held back nature for 2 weeks or so based on previous years. On this trip to Blashford Lakes, I only counted 14 on a circuit around the ski lake. Much lower than normal.
However I did find 3 damselflies in one patch that obligingly posed for some face portraits. These are all taken with my Canon 760D, Canon MPE-65mm and Canon Twin Macro lights combination.
Here are the damselfly portraits – starting with this Azure Damselfly.

The Damselfly

May I shake your hand

The Leaf Rider

Looking down on you

How do you do?
The last of it is 2 images stacked in Photoshop CC.

Double Damsel
This next one is also an Azure.


Azure Alure

Hi I am Azure
And finally this one I did not identify – so it either another Azure as it was in the same patch or a Common Blue.

Blue damselfly on leaf

Trying to hide