The Bee
Whilst out taking the Tank and other small bugs at Blashford Lakes – I was fortunate to come across this resting bee at the end of the day.
Lying on the ground, I first took some shots of the bee with nothing in the background to stop the blackness that occurs from my flashgun.

Bee on Leaf (Black Background)
Having got a nice shot of it, plus it staying around I positioned a piece of yellow card in the background to give a coloured background.

Bee on Leaf (Yellow Background)
The same image I then edited in Adobe Camera Raw with some radial filters to get this result. The radial filter colouring I saw today on a forum post by Neil Burnell.

The Rainbow Bee

Resting Bee
With the version above – I also processed it with Topaz Restyle and it’s masking abilities, to give different colours in the background.

Resting Bee ( Restyled )
Here is another shot I did with the yellow and then Topaz Restyle.

Bee Upclose (Yellow)

Bee Upclose ( Restlyed )
As you can see the bee was starting to waken – which resulted it these two more face than eye orientated shots.

Well it’s like this…

On the Tip of my Tongue
Finally when it moved a bit I replaced the yellow with a pink card for a slightly different look.

Bee hanging around
These shots were all taken with my Canon 760D – Canon MPE-65mm Macro Lens – Canon Twin Flash – diffused with this setup.