Violet Ground Beetle – Carabus violaceus
This is a stacked image of a Violet Ground Beetle (Carabus violaceus).

Violet Ground Beetle – Carabus violaceus
It consists of 59 F5.6 images, taken at ISO 400, 1 Second. Taken on a tripod with the Cognisys Stackshot and Automated Rail.
To take it, I placed the (deceased) beetle on a small log, and lit the subject with constant lighting from a Apurture Amaran LED light.
Once the stackshot had finished taking the images, I stacked them in Helicon Focus ( Method B – Radius 30 – Smoothing 8). I did some touching up in photoshop CC to remove some minor hairs that were not part of the beetle, before using Topaz Detail to finish it off.