Bee Overload
Another weekend of taking mining bees alongside the river stour was a successful one. As you will see I kept quite a lot of bee shots. The dandelions are almost over now so this will be my last visit to this location. But yet again it has been a great spot for them. If you were one of the people passing by enquiring what I was up to. These are the bees I was taking.

Mining Bee on Dandelion

Swimming in the flower
This red bellied one, I believe is a bee – but maybe a wasp. Am yet to get a firm id on it.

Chewing the Pollen

Slurping the nectar

Peeking out

Resting on the Yellow

This next one is a stack of 2 images.

Wallowing in Yellow

Pollen Legs

Lying in the Sun

Dandelion Dreaming

On the Flower

Walking over the Dandy

Snoozing on my flower bed

Yellow Heaven

Mining Bee against Pink

On foot forward


Peering over the flower
All the photos were taken on Canon 5D Mark IV, with Canon MPE-65mm macro lens, Canon MT-24ex Twin Flash ( Tin Can Diffusers)
A video slideshow of all the Mining Bees that I took at White Mill this year is now available
Fantastic set Chris
Thanks very much for your kind comment Pete