Damselflies up close and personal 2017
I have a slight photo backlog as the macro season gets into full swing. I have caught up with the damselflies that I like to take up close and personal, and normally May is the best time for this as they are not always so active as later in the year when the weather heats up. These are my favourite shots from May 2017 of these delicate beautiful preadators. All the following images are at 1:1 and above and taken on my specialist Canon MPE-65mm macro lens which gives magnifications from 1:1 (lifesize on the camera sensor) to 5:1 (5x lifesize).
I was lucky enough even to get close ups on a mating pair of Common Blue Damselflies, with these first two shots, one showing the way the male mates with the female, and then the females head and males tail.

Mating Damselflies

Female Common Blue Damselfly Mating
Now onto several more shots of some Common Blue Damselfies.

Stem Rider

Waiting for Prey

Spear & Shield

I’m gonna knock you out!

Here’s looking at you

Up close with a female Common Blue Damselfly

Common Blue Damselfly on leaf



Catching the rays
I was also fortunate to catch one of these taking off.

Take off!
The other species that I got close two was the Blue-tailed Damselfly. This first one showing the tell tale blue dot like mark on their tail.

Blue-tailed Damselfly – see my tail!
One of them I rescued from a spiders web, and this meant it sat around for a bit whilst it cleaned up a few threads.

I tell you there’s no strings on me…

Eek Spider Web!

Wave Hello
And finally the remaining blue-tail photos.

Way Hay!

See! All gone!

Yes Sir!

The Helicopter

This is My Grass
These were all taken at Blashford Lakes Nature Reserve, Ellingham in May 2017. Equipment Canon 5d Mark IV, Canon MPE-65mm Macro Lens and lit by Canon MT-24ex Twin Flash ( Diffused )
Fab collection. Funny little fellows