Dragonflies from Dunyeats Heath
I took a visit to a local pond and heathland at Dunyeats Heath, to scout out how the dragonflies were doing prior to taking some people there on a trip.
The day was hot and sunny – so ideal to see how many were about. I spotted several species there ( as is normally the case ), and as well as some photographs I took the opportunity to some video in 4k too. These images should be classified more as close ups as they were mostly taken on 300mm and 100-400mm lenses due to the Dragonflies being so active in the heat.
First the photographs.
On the approach – this Migrant hawker was spotted in the gorse.

Migrant Hawker
And this photo – whilst not the best – shows a female chaser depositing eggs on the fly.

Female broad-bodied chaser laying eggs
This Four-spotted Chaser was very co-operative and features prominently in the video.

Four-spotted chaser

Four-spotted chaser (2)
And lastly some shots of some Keeled Skimmers

Keeled Skimmer basking in sun

Keeled Skimmer

Mating Keeled Skimmers

Male Keeled Skimmer
And finally the video.