Dunyeats Heath
I took a visit to the pond and heathland during the hot spell in July ( well it’s been going all summer really..) and the pond there was as dry as I have seen it. So dry in fact that you could walk across the middle of it.
Here are some pictures I took of the now small pond.

Panorama of Dunyeats Heath Pond in the drought

Dry to damper mud

The little remaining water of the pond

The cracked mud of Dunyeats Heath pond
However there was still a lot of wildlife in the dryness. Small froglets even in the dried mud.

Froglet in dried up pond

Looking over the plateau
And dragonflies flying and landing over and around the pond.

Male Broad-bodied Chaser

Male Broad-bodied Chaser on a tree root
Whilst on the heath – several skippers were flitting about – I managed this close up of one.

Skipper posing on a grass stem
All these images above are more closeups than true macro’s as I was shooting on a 100-400mm lens. Which I also used in this short video.
Camera – Canon 5D Mark IV.