Final 2018 Damsefly portrait shots.
One of my favourite in the field macro challenges is to get up close and personal with Damseflies, so I can take portrait images of them. These shots are all above lifesize, and for these portrait shots I use my Canon 1-5x magnification lens.
I was fortunate to get these final 5 image in August this year – especially minding how hot the summer was, making them much less restful until late in the days. ( I don’t do early mornings!).
I found this red-eyed damselfly in some shade – by a stream. It looks fairly freshly emerged to me. And it stayed around long enough, not just for a portrait shot – but for a stacked one too!

Red Eye-Damselfly (2 Shots Stacked)

Red Eyed Damselfly

Happy Red-Eyed Damselfly
The other species that I managed to find in August – and get to pose – was the more abundant Common Blue.
These three shots are of a female and male. The male having the much less camouflaged blue to it.

Female Common Blue Damselfly

Hands Free!

Male Common Blue Damselfly
All images taken on Canon 5D mark IV with flash from a Youngnuo twin flash ( diffused).