From the Riverside
These shots were taken on the 5th May this year, on a trip to the river banks at near White Mill ( nr Wimborne). I had hoped to find some solitary bees to photograph – but they proved almost elusive apart from this one that I managed to get in a Dandelion.

Bee with Pollen
This was not due to their scarcity – just that the weather on the bank holiday weekend was hot and they were very active.
I was fortunate though, to get a Wolf Spider to pose. They normally run off very fast – so this was very pleasing for me.

Wolf Spider

Wolf Spider in profile
My final find – was a new species of Leaf Beetle to me. This one is a very pretty red and green beetle. And I found it hanging around in the grass.

Balancing Beetle
After taking it in situ, I then put one of my gold glitter cards behind it, that I previously used on the bees on my previous visit.

Look only 1 hand!
Finally it decided it had enough of me and fell to the ground – when it then fortunately wandered onto the glitter card. Here my lens is much closer to the card – and the glitter is easier to spot.

Chrysolina polita on gold glitter card

Chrysolina polita – Leaf Beetle
All images taken on Canon 5D Mark IV, Canon MPE-65mm 1-5x Macro Lens. Flashlit from a diffused Canon MT-24ex Twin Macro Flash.