Martin Down
A summers day walk amongst the chalk grasslands of Martins Down, was a good opportunity to take some marco photos of flowers and some butterflies.
There were plenty of these orchids about.

Spotted Orchid
As well as a fair number of these dropworts.

In the grasses I managed to find some of these Common Blue butterflies.
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV (100mm, f/5.6, 1/320 sec, ISO640)
These two posed nicely together.

Pair of Common Blues

Pair of Common Blues
Whilst this one found a leaf to perch upon.

Common Blue on Leaf

Common Blue on Leaf
Whilst this one had what I think was a caterpillar near it.

Common Blue with caterpillar nearby
All these images were taken with a Canon 5D Mark IV and a Canon 100mm F2.8 USM Macro Lens