May 11th Macro
Could not think of a good title for this post – so have named it on the date these were taken.
This selection of macro photos were taken at my local nature reserve – Blashford Lakes, and all were imaged with my Canon MPE-65mm macro lens with flash lighting from a Yongnuo YN24EX twin light.
I’ll start with the first one – my first damselfly portrait of the year. I love taking these close up – a 1) They are a challenge to get 2) They can pull some poses that look really cool.

Pale Rider
I found this unusual bug, a Lacehopper, wandering about in some moss on top of a fence post.

On the March

Then under some Oak Trees – these nut weevils, including one doing it’s playing dead stuff.

I am dead!

Acorn Weevil

Acorn Weevil
The final find from the trip was this thick-headed fly – they are parasitic flies.

Strike a pose

Myopa fly

Cleaning my hands

Cleaning my hands again!

Thick-headed Fly

You put your right leg in…
All images taken on a Canon 5D mark IV.