MT-24ex Macro Flash Diffusion experiments for MPE-65mm
This year I have been experimenting with some diffusion setups for my Canon MT-24ex Twin Macro Flash with the Canon MPE-65mm. In the past I have been unsatisfied with the harsh highlights that the flash gun can give with this lens mounted, even with some Stofen diffusers attached. So a bit of web research and diy saw a progression of home made diffuser setups.
Now I can take no credit for originality here – my first idea was to follow the Concave Diffuser setup of SteB from Juza Nature Photography forum (thread is no longer around) but his flickr set is – , using his Dove invisible Dry setup. This was tried with two setups – first by using a cut out bit of plastic from a clear student A4 folder holder (from Staples). This got the images from the MPE-65mm in my firsts of 2012 article.
Here’s the setup –

MPE-65mm / MT-24ex Diffuser Version 1
And a closeup of the concave diffuser.

The Concave Diffuser – Dove Invisible Dry
I then tried the Concave setup with a more translucent setup as I found the flash recycle time was very long – I think the plastic blocked too much of the light. This time I used a folded up A5 Text book cover (also from staples).

MPE-65mm / MT-24ex Diffuser Version 2
This setup saw results that I posted in my Weevil on the log post.
I then read up of the setup that Rob Ault had used – using the link from the forum. I liked the look of this – but baulked at the £40 price of the diffuser dome from Gary Fong domes, however when looking for some memory cards from 7-day shop I saw some cheap alternatives – 7 dayshop DOME Lambency Flash Diffusers with 4 Colours So I took the risk and ordered 2 (for about £6 each including postage). I then followed Robs instructions on making them – using a cut out bit of a free magazine (Amateur Photo) window light tent to go on the flash heads directly – and these produced the results of the images in my Cold afternoon at Garston Wood post.
These were the best so far but did not quite work on the shiny ladybird perfectly – however I believe this is solved by the addition of vellum paper. A tip that was given to me by Alliec on the Pixalo forum/AboveLifeSize.
An example image that reflects this I believe is this image of a reflective Dock Leaf Beetle.

Dock Leaf Beetle – about 2x Magnification.
Dock Leaf Beetle – about 2x Magnification. Taken on Canon 50D with Canon MPE-65mm lens. ISO 160 F11 1/250. Flash from Canon MT-24ex Twin Macro Flash.
I have since modified the setup slightly by cutting back the plastic top bits a slight amount and adding some velcro at the top to make it more secure – especially when it rains – the blue tack loses its tackiness. However my current setup looks like the images below – taken after getting caught in the said rain- hence the slight wetness on the shots.

Diffusers mounted on the MPE-65mm lens and MT-24ex flashgun

Canon MT-24ex Flash Head on Kaiser Bounce Flash – with diffusing material taped in front of gun

Vellum paper taped inside the diffuser

Front of 7dayshop DOME Lambency Flash Diffuser

Showing the back of flashgun, bluetacked to the plastic.

Sideview of flashgun and diffuser attachment
An excellent informative article. Thanks for sharing
Thank you – Hope you found the info of use.
Thanks for linking through to my site Chris. Great to see that you’re using my dome diffuser design – you’re getting some really great results.
Cheers! Rob
Thanks Rob – and most importantly thanks for your information on the setup – it is down to you and others trial and error that this setup has been achieved. It certainly makes a real difference, Thanks again.
Best diffusion is achieved with 5 mm packaging foam layer . The edge of foam layer can be allowed to extend upto maximum 2 inches from the lens in form of a hood around the lens as the minimum focussing distance drops with magnification upto 2-3x .